236U     236NP EC DECAY (22.5 H)       1969LE05                  22NDS    202205
236U   H TYP=FUL$AUT=Shaofei Zhu$CIT=NDS 182, 2 (2022).$CUT=1-Apr-2022$
236U  c  1969Le05: Chemically purified {+236}Np from {+235}U(d,p) reactions;
236U 2c  Measured E|g, I|g, conversion electrons. Detectors: Ge(Li), Si(Li).
236U  cG E,M$From Adopted Gammas, unless otherwise noted.
236U  cL J$From Adopted Levels.
236U  cL E$From a least-squares fit to |g-ray energies.
236U  D  EC(K)/B-=0.75 15, EC(K)/EC(L) GE 4 (1956Gr11)
236U  D  CC$FROM BrIcc v2.3e (17-Jun-2020) 2008Ki07, "Frozen Orbitals" appr.
236NP  P 57        51 1(-)              22.5 H    4              9.3E+2   5
236NP cP QP$From 2021Wa16. E(level)=57 keV {I51} from the Adopted Levels of
236NP2cP {+236}Np.
236U   N                        0.51   1
236U  cN NR$From branching ratios
236U 2cN I|g(538|g):I|g(642|g):I|g(688|g)=1.14:100:27.4 in Adopted Gammas and
236U 3cN their respective |a(exp), in combination with I|e=1.5% {I3} of
236U 4cN {+236}Np decay (1969Le05) to the 687-keV level.
236U  cN BR$From {+236}Np Adopted Levels.
236U  PN 0.0099    20                    1                                   3
236U   L 0            0+               2.342E7 Y 4
236U  cL T$from the Adopted Levels
236U   E                       40      7 7.10    11             40        7
236U S E CK=0.753 4$CL=0.1823 24$CM+=0.0646 10
236U  cE IE$from 1969Le05; other: 40 (1956Gr11).
236U   L 45.2431   20 2+
236U   G 45.243    2  1.6    4  E2                      589   8
236U S G LC=429 6$MC=118.6 17$NC=32.1 5$OC=7.36 10$PC=1.191 17$QC=0.00285 4
236U  cG RI$deduced from |g-ray transition intensity balance with 8% {I3}
236U 2cG {+236}Np decay feeding to this level (1969Le05).
236U  cG E$measured: 45.28 {I6} (1956Ho54) and 44.2 {I1} (1956Gr11).
236U  cG M$from |a(L2)/|a(L3)|?1 (1956Gr11).
236U   E                       8       3 7.75    18             8         3
236U S E CK=0.751 4$CL=0.184 3$CM+=0.0653 12
236U  cE IE$from 1969Le05; other: 10 (1956Gr11).
236U   L 149.480   5  4+
236U   G 104.237   4  0.114  12 E2                      10.99 15
236U S G LC=8.00 11$MC=2.220 31$NC=0.603 8$OC=0.1385 19$PC=0.02268 32$
236U S G QC=9.41E-5 13
236U  cG RI$deduced from |g-ray transition intensity balance with no 22.5-h
236U 2cG {+236}Np |e decay feeding to this level (1969Le05).
236U   L 687.55    4  1-                3.78 NS   9
236U  cL T$from 1977Po05; other: 4.4 ns {I6} (1969Le05).
236U   G 538.09    7  1.14   8  E3                      0.20  8
236U X G EKC=0.11 5
236U  cG CC,RI$from Adopted Gammas.
236U   G 642.23    7  100      E1(+M2+E3)               0.15  2
236U X G EKC=0.111 10$ELC=0.031 9
236U  cG CC,RI$from Adopted Gammas.
236U   G 687.59    6  27.4   5  E1                      0.31  2
236U X G EKC=0.219 14$ELC=0.069 9
236U  cG CC,RI$from Adopted Gammas.
236U   E                       1.5     3 7.3     4              1.5       3
236U S E CK=0.62 10$CL=0.28 7$CM+=0.11 3
236U  cE IE$from 1969Le05.